I see dead people

Question 01

What is the name of a famous science fiction author who die in 2 September 1973 and has “RR” as their middle initials?

[1] "John Ronald Reuel Tolkien"

Question 02

Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher was a British statistician and geneticist who die in 29 July 1962. Where do the remains of R. A Fisher lie?

[1] "St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide, Adelaide City, South Australia, Australia"

Question 03

What is the name of the British statistician who die in 28 March 2013 and said “All models are wrong but some are useful”?

[1] "George Edward Pelham Box"

Question 04

What is the name of the British statistician who die in 17 January 1911 and is credited with first using the term “regression” to describe the relationship between two variables?

[1] "Sir Francis Galton"

Question 05

What well-known company hired the (now deceased), pseudonymous “Student” (a.k.a. William Sealy Gosset) in 1899?

[1] "Guinness"

Question 06

What famous female historical figure die in 13 August 1910 and is credited with innovative use of information graphics, like the polar area diagram?

[1] "Florence Nightingale"

Question 07

What is the name of the scientist that die in 1 April 1922 and is know for designed the ink blot test, a personality test that involves the evaluation of a subject’s response to ambiguous ink blots and used to analyze inner thoughts, feelings, and personality traits?

[1] "Hermann Rorschach"

The R-things

Question 08

What is the English name for the widespread species Corvus corax, often associated with death?

[1] "(Common) Raven"

Question 09

“Sister cities or twin towns are a form of legal or social agreement between towns (…) in geographically and politically distinct areas to promote cultural and commercial ties.” (Wikipedia) What is the name of the town in Greater Manchester that starts with R and has Bielefeld in Germany, Tourcoing in France, Sahiwal in Pakistan and Lviv in Ukraine as twinning city/town?

[1] "Rochdale"

Question 10

Name the 2017 Nobel Laureate in Economics who besides his recognition for contributions to behavioural economics has also reached fame in popular culture, for example making a cameo next to Selena Gomez in ‘The Big Short’.

[1] "Richard Thaler"

Question 11

On the TV show “Buffy, the Vampire Slayer”, which run between 1996 and 2003, what is the name of Buffy Summers’ teacher and mentor?

[1] "Rupert Giles"

Question 12

Mary Shelley famous book “The Modern Prometheus”, also know as “Frankenstein” is narrated through a fictional correspondence between the Captain of the boat which picked up Victor Frankenstein, the crazed scientists who created a monster. What is the name of this captain?

[1] "Captain Robert Walton"

Question 13

What is the name of the English inventor and son of John Kay, best known for designing a drop box to improve the capability of weaving looms?

[1] "Robert Kay"

Question 14

“Wraith is a Scottish dialectal word for ‘ghost’ or ‘spirit’.” (Wikipedia) It is also the name of a 4 seat luxury car. Which company the Wraith?

[1] "Rolls-Royce Motor Cars"

Question 15

On the cinematic adaptation of J. K. Rowling’s novel Harry Potter, what is the role cast by Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint?

[1] "Ron Weasley"

Some coding questions

Question 21


v <- c(104, 97, 108, 108, 111, 119, 101, 101, 110)

Match the following codes with their result.


  1. intToUtf8(v)
    E. halloween
  2. v %% 2
    B. 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
  3. v %/% 2
    C. 52, 48, 54, 54, 55, 59, 50, 50, 55
  4. as.roman(v)
  5. as.hexmode(v)
    F. 68, 61, 6c, 6c, 6f, 77, 65, 65, 6e
  6. as.logical(v)


  1. 104, 97, 108, 108, 111, 119, 101, 101, 110
  2. 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
  3. 52, 48, 54, 54, 55, 59, 50, 50, 55
  5. halloween
  6. 104, 97, 108, 108, 111, 119, 101, 101, 110

Question 22


year month day dep_time dep_delay arr_time arr_delay carrier flight origin dest
2013 1 1 517 2 830 11 UA 1545 EWR IAH
2013 1 1 533 4 850 20 UA 1714 LGA IAH
2013 1 1 542 2 923 33 AA 1141 JFK MIA
2013 1 1 544 -1 1004 -18 B6 725 JFK BQN
2013 1 1 554 -6 812 -25 DL 461 LGA ATL

Replace ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ with the name of one function in

flights %>%
  ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮(year, month, day) %>%
  ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮(arr_delay, dep_delay) %>%
    arr = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE),
    dep = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) %>%
  ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮(arr > 30 | dep > 30) 

for have the output as show below.

year month day arr dep
2013 1 16 34.24736 24.61287
2013 1 31 32.60285 28.65836
2013 2 11 36.29009 39.07360
2013 2 27 31.25249 37.76327
2013 3 8 85.86216 83.53692
flights %>%
  group_by(year, month, day) %>%
  select(arr_delay, dep_delay) %>%
    arr = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE),
    dep = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) %>%
  filter(arr > 30 | dep > 30) 

Question 23

When using Shiny v1.1.0, which of the options below isn’t a valid input type?

  1. sliderInput("dynamic", "Dynamic", min = 1, max = 20, value = 10)
  2. utf8Input("dynamic", "Dynamic", value = "starting value")
  3. numericInput("dynamic", "Dynamic", value = 12)
  4. checkboxInput("dynamic", "Dynamic", value = TRUE)
  5. dateInput("dynamic", "Dynamic")

Question 24

Write a valid documentation to the source file below that will be processed by roxygen2 v6.1.0.

trick.or.treat <- function(house.number) {
#' Reply to Halloween's "trick or treat" door knock
#' @param house.number A number
#' @return "treat"
#' @examples
#' trick.or.treat(11)
trick.or.treat <- function(house.number) {

Question 25

When using testthat v2.0.0, which one of the following options the test will pass?

  1. test_that("halloween", { expect_equal(10, 10 + 1e-7) })
  2. test_that("halloween", { expect_equal(log(-1)), NaN })
  3. test_that("halloween", { expect_equal(TRUE, 1) })
  4. test_that("halloween", { expect_equal(48, "0") })
  5. test_that("halloween", { expect_match("trick or treat", "treat") })

Tie breaker

Reproduce the image below using R.

plot(1:10,1:10,xlim=c(1,10)  , ylim=c(1,10),type="n",xlab="",ylab="",xaxt="n",yaxt="n", frame.plot = F)

points(6.5,3.2, pch = 25 , col = "red", bg = "red", cex = 2)
points(4.5,3.2, pch = 25 , col = "red", bg = "red", cex = 2)
points(6.5,2.5, pch = "'", col = "red", bg = "red", cex = 3)
points(6.5,2.8, pch = "'", col = "red", bg = "red", cex = 3)

lines(c(3.5, 7.5) ,c(4,4) , lwd = 6)
lines(c(4,4.5,5)  ,c(4,3,4), lwd = 6)
lines(c(6,6.5,7)  ,c(4,3,4), lwd = 6)

points(4.5,6.5, col = "black", pch = "0", cex = 6)
points(6.5,6.5, col = "black", pch = "0", cex = 6)

lines(c(4,5),c(7.5,7), lwd = 3)
lines(c(7,6),c(7.5,7), lwd = 3)

points(5.5,5, col = "black", cex = 70, lwd = 3)







R Consortium

R Consortium

Software Sustainability Institute

Software Sustainability Institute

Manchester Metropolitan University

Manchester Metropolitan University

University of Manchester

University of Manchester



Manchester Science Partnership

Manchester Science Partnership